While we might not even be aware of it, the health of our teeth and gums has a huge impact on our day to day life - from our overall health and comfort to our confidence and self-esteem. Yet according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50% of all adults aged 30 or older – roughly 65 million Americans - are currently experiencing some form of gum disease.
Oral health can be impacted by many factors: genetics, dental hygiene habits, and diet to name a few – some of which we can control, while others (ahem, genetics) can be trickier to address. Ultimately, we have to look at our tooth and gum health as holistically as possible and make sure we're giving it the attention it deserves.
Like everything related to health – preventing issues before they even happen is always better, cheaper, and way less complicated than trying to cure things after the fact. The following tips do a great job of addressing both aspects – preventing issues from happening in the first place, while also improving and supporting the body's own inherent healing mechanisms.
1. Floss+brush your teeth after meals
Yep, we all know we should, but it's often easier said than done. However, if you're serious about achieving better oral health, cleaning the teeth thoroughly after eating can do wonders. Removing any residual food particles from the teeth can prevent plaque from accumulating, harmful bacteria from multiplying, and pH from becoming too acidic.
The goods news that with The Real Aim portable water flosser you can floss anywhere and anytime you feel anything stuck between your teeth.
2. Keep it alkaline + eat more greens
One of the surest ways of developing tooth decay is to maintain a mouth pH that is too acidic. It is said that at a pH of 5.5 the teeth begin to demineralize, leaving them vulnerable to cavities. On the contrary, when the saliva has a pH of 7.5 or above, it means teeth can become stronger and actually remineralize, meaning stronger enamel and less decay. One of the best ways to alkalinize the entire body, mouth included, is to eat plenty of mineral-rich green leafy vegetables and non-sweet green juices. By focusing on greens such as kale, collards, spinach, chard, and lettuces, we introduce a wealth of highly bioavailable trace minerals into the body which helps alkalinize the blood, strengthen our bones, and buffer acidity in the mouth. Keeping the body alkaline also has a side benefit of giving a boost to the entire immune system, as most diseases cannot thrive in an alkaline system.
2. Take ionic mineral supplements
Minerals are absolutely critical for our bone health, and while many of us forget, our teeth are a very important part of our skeletal system. While calcium is important, our bones also require a host of other trace minerals too such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and silica. Since our soils are deficient in many key minerals, our food supply is as well, even mineral-rich foods such as greens don't contain the minerals they once did. A high quality liquid ionic mineral supplement is a great way to get bioavailable minerals into the body for healthy bones and nerves and to help balance the body's pH.
3. Use oral-specific probiotics
While it's no news that probiotics play an absolutely critical role in our overall gut health and immunity, we often don't think of the bacteria living in our mouth as part of that equation. It turns out, the two are intimately linked, which only makes sense since the mouth is, by definition, the beginning of our digestive system. Beneficial oral microbes work along with the immune system to help prevent harmful bacteria, the ones associated with tooth decay and gum disease, from becoming too dominant. They keep the bad bugs in check within our mouth, just like they do in our gut. They also help facilitate important enzymatic activity and help balance the pH of the mouth. Bacteria love to hide out in the small gaps between your teeth and gums and using a daily tooth product that features beneficial microbes can do wonders in helping keep the bad guys from proliferating.